Behind the Scenes: Starting Over

Welcome to behind the scenes of my new brick & mortar on-line shop! YAY!

This corner of my treasures has been a roller coaster, needless to say. From showing my collection in San Diego Fashion Week in 2014, opening up my actual brick and mortar in 2015 and for the cherry on top, 2016 being diagnosed with a auto-immune disease (which I keep telling myself I don’t have, not in denial but to keep me going!) Now this amazing 2020… need I say more. I think you will understand me when I say it took a turn for CRAZY!! In times like this I was given the opportunity to help a manufacturing plant get started. I developed some infrastructures for the company and it’s growing slowly.


Life has a funny way of showing you, you’re not in control and you need to slow down! After the doctor told me I was to stop working at my shop, cancel shows, plans and well life itself.. I laughed. He said, ” you will be on bed rest for about a month” (I did not believe him, sorry doc) so I kept going… I should have listened, because after that week I could barely walk or get out of bed. My energy was non-existent and if you knew me that was not me, I’m 1,000 miles an hour ALWAYS! I am a workaholic and this disease was not fitting into my plans. As I laid on my mom’s couch thinking,  I was scheduled to open the store that day well, I couldn’t. I closed the store shortly after, and after, feeling like a complete vegetable, I felt quite sad. The dream of having my store and running a successful business had collapsed. I had to move in with my parents and regained my strength a year from that date. Although a flare up hasn’t surfaced I feel better today.

I had to start from scratch, re-brand my vision and for some reason I couldn’t focus. I worked as a director of operations at a well known furniture store, became a paralegal for an amazing lawyer and designed rooms as free lance. Designed furniture for some amazing clients. Everything I did I loved but I was passionate about letting my dream survive. I often heard clients say “You are so talented, why don’t you do this full time,” and now I answer I didn’t know how.


I am a Creator of many things. I Design free style, with no guidelines that is how I work best, letting my imagination go crazy. I am a Creative and the business side of me didn’t work for a long time.. I am constantly growing and learning and it helps to have a great support system. I thank God for the people around me especially the “mon petit ami” (boyfriend in French) he has grown into the person I always wanted and needed him to be. This is me starting over and trying again, again and again… until I can’t try anymore. Hope you enjoy this journey with me. And always remember don’t quit, even if it’s the biggest fear you have to overcome!!! Chin up buttercup, don’t let that crown fall!


(how to set up a table for) all occasions !


Handcrafted in the Heart of the USA