Handcrafted in the Heart of the USA


Texas is where I have live most of my life and hence where my heart feels at peace but Paris is always a great idea! I wanted to share with you my favorite artisans, designers, shops, foodies and fleas.

 Also I want to share the love of people with you and their stories, there is so much we can learn from one another!


Hand crafted a term usually thrown around when made at home by artisans hands rather than by machines… but the true meaning of it for me and other creatives is this; we are passionate and we express it by what we do best which is our craft. When we think of crafts we think of grandma knitting or gluing or taping some type of project together.. you know the like in second grade when popsicle sticks were given to you to show your architecture level or also when making your secret crush a Valentine’s Day card -those were the days.. do kids even do that now? I wanted to highlight some amazing people and their “Crafts” its so much bigger than we think. We Craft all the time, pretty much any activity involving skill is crafting. Making things by hand the possibilities are endless.


We will start here in the state of Texas and we will be talking to some of my favorite people I know. I will also share my skills and take you on some mini journeys together without leaving the house because in times like these we need some distraction.

Hope you enjoyed your 2020 even with all we have gone through, keep your crown up buttercup hold your head up high.. it’s going to be okay.


Behind the Scenes: Starting Over