-let's get creative-

-let's get creative-

DIY freebies

Mini Project #7 use this download illustrations with 24-25 envelopes to create an advent calendar either with notes or mini gifts!

*AVAILABLE for download

Mini Project #6 uses these table tags just download, print, cut and use them for any of the food items you are making for the holidays! We used them by gluing them to toothpicks.

*AVAILABLE for download

Mini Project #5 uses these tags just download, print and use them for any of the baked goods tag you are making for the holidays! We used them as a tags to gift to neighbors and family.

*AVAILABLE for download

Mini Project #4 uses these letters just download, print and use them for any of the crafts you are making for the holidays! We used them as a template for our felt letters.

*AVAILABLE for download

Christmas Cutouts- Print + Cut +Use

Christmas Cutouts- Print + Cut +Use

Beautiful illustrations just download, print and use them for any of the crafts you are making for the holidays!

*AVAILABLE for download

Craft while you Decorate for the Holidays

Don’t Stress on having a picture perfect holiday just enjoy the everyday crafts for seven days with your kids, friends or family. Either decorate for Thanksgiving or Christmas or any other event you may have going on! Today is Day 1 on our Daily Craft Mini Project Series, this well help you focus to take a breather while crafting meanwhile you start decorating for that special day, holiday or event! Join us and can’t wait to see what you create!

Halloween Mini Crackers

Last minute Halloween project! Make it with your little ones or surprise them with a sweet treat tomorrow! Tap into your creativity. You’ve got this.

Save the picture on your left and print it out to fit your paper. Cut out the drawings and tape or glue your pieces to your painted paper rolls.

DIY free - gratis - gratuit -

DIY free - gratis - gratuit -

a little something for you to make if you forgot Valentine’s Day! Print this card out and write a personal message. I am sure you will sweep him /her off their feet.