2023 here we go…

Does anyone else feel like… where did 2022 go and at the same time relieved that it’s over! Well, that’s me. It was a hard emotional, physically, spiritually and mentally exhausting year. 2022 has shaped me to into a new version of me. Let me just say that when working with people they sometimes change the course of you, they make you react and you better react with your best behavior! Although at times it’s difficult to react in a nice peaceful way just remember that is the best version of you, especially at your worst times (it will make you a better you)

At the end of December I was so excited to to start the new year, I had everything planned out as well as I had a passion to get started. Well let’s just say that I literally fell to my knees at the end of 2022 while walking out of a restaurant, seriously I fell! I didn’t know how or why but I did and I took it as a sign. 2022 was in fact the best worst year and it ended with a fall.

I started to doubt everything I had planned for the new coming year & in a matter of seconds it’s as if Eeyore’s cloud had been placed on my head and it was the heaviest feeling. I don’t know why it happens and it happens so quick that by the time you can do anything about it your mind has spiraled out of control and you have this pressure of pain you can’t get rid of! The Impostor Syndrome is real! And boy, oh boy, does it kill softly and slowly if you let it! SO DON’T LET IT!!!

I am about to turn 40 years old this year but I am still in the process of figuring life out and what makes me happy. I am a hard worker (well I am a workaholic) and love to help others. I make things work for other people… I wanted to let you know this because it’s hard at times and we always think other people have there life’s put together but in reality we are all suffering somehow and going through the motions of life. I follow this amazing business owner from Dallas she is an amazing entrepreneur and like me she did so much in 2022 (of course I compare myself to her and did only a third of what she managed to do in a year) but at the end of the year I read her post and it made me feel… well I felt that she in fact was just a human living through life and figuring it out. It turns out that even though she did all these amazing things she went through a divorce, left her house she barely remodeled and is now having to start life again… she’s my age. She has 2 little ones and is just so brave in my eyes but to do it alone!

I guess life shows you what you can handle and what you are made of. I am definitely feeling stronger as of now, my way of thinking and speaking are not so soft spoken and really have stopped doubting myself a little bit more. But in 2023 I want to show it how I can exhaust it… because I just imagine if I had really bad news given to me what could I do in a year… and that’s it I want to exhaust 2023 I want to enjoy it everyday. So starting tomorrow I will start to do just that!!! I hope you exhaust 2023 be you and enjoy the little things in life!!! Remember you only live it once so why not do it right!!! Happy 2023 everyone and remember that your super power is being you!!!!! Don’t let you light be turned off even if it is by your big stupid mind… tell your mind who’s boss!!! XxX


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